Abe Cho

Abe Cho

Appears in 26 Episodes

A Public Faith: Examining the Claims of Christianity - Ruler of Another Kingdom

We are now in our final series in our Public Faith season called, “A Public Faith: Examining the Claims of the Christian Faith - A Study of John.” Nearing the end of h...

A Public Faith: Examining the Claims of Christianity - The Bread of Life, Light of the World, I Am

We are now in our final series in our Public Faith season called, “A Public Faith: Examining the Claims of the Christian Faith - A Study of John.” Nearing the end of h...

A Public Witness - Lessons in Suffering: Job’s Wisdom Through Suffering

A Public Witness: Lessons in Suffering - A Study of JobThe Book of Job is arguably the most profoundly realistic treatment of suffering the world has ever known. In th...

A Public People: Suffering

A Public People: The Church as a Distinct Community - A Study of 1 & 2 PeterIn this series, we will consider what makes the Christian community so distinct. While ther...

Christmas Service 2022 - The Three Kings

The Three Kings Scripture Reading: Matthew 2:1-12 Can’t join us but still need to send in your tithe? Go to https://www.reh.nyc/give

The Matriarchs: Ruth: Faithful & True

In this series, we will look at the women of Jesus’ line, and in particular, in the final weeks leading to Christmas, we will look at those named in the genealogy of J...

The Matriarchs: Sarah: The Redemption of Laughter

In this series, we will look at the women of Jesus’ line, and in particular, in the final weeks leading to Christmas, we will look at those named in the genealogy of J...

DNA - Our Mission & Values: Core Value 2: Spiritual Formation

This fall series will focus on our church’s vision, mission, and values––our calling. These convictions have fundamentally shaped the work and ministry of Redeemer Ea...

In the Beginning - A Study of Genesis: Jacob Wrestles with God

The book of Genesis houses some of the most famous Bible stories and characters. However, more importantly, Genesis provides us with an origin story. The Bible, and th...

In the Beginning - A Study of Genesis: Abraham and the Justice of God

The book of Genesis houses some of the most famous Bible stories and characters. However, more importantly, Genesis provides us with an origin story. The Bible, and th...

In the Beginning - A Study of Genesis: Nations of Babel

The book of Genesis houses some of the most famous Bible stories and characters. However, more importantly, Genesis provides us with an origin story. The Bible, and th...

Thy Kingdom Come - A Study of the Sermon on The Mount: Trust and Provision

We continue our series, Thy Kingdom Come. In the series, we are taking a look at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Through the series, we will consider the na...

Thy Kingdom Come - A Study of the Sermon on The Mount: Freedom & Generosity

We continue our series, Thy Kingdom Come. In the series, we are taking a look at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Through the series, we will consider the na...

From Heaven to Earth: The Mystery of the Incarnation - An Advent Series in John 1: The Light

The Gospel according to John begins with the Apostle describing the indescribable––God became flesh. The great hope of humanity, the reason we celebrate Christmas with...

Thy Kingdom Come - A Study of the Sermon on The Mount: Salt and Light

We continue our series, Thy Kingdom Come. In the series, we are taking a look at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Through the series, we will consider the na...

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